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StinkekUderzo was "pointless", the character designs just magically appeared out of nothing
Noxus94True, even Uderzo probably didn't get money initially...
PegPeregoGauchoi never said art is pointless
Noxus94you did say drawing is pointless unless you get paid for it.
PegPeregoGauchoyou're twisting my words
StinkekYou literally said that drawing was a bigger waste of time than playing a hard game only for it to crash before you could even save
PegPeregoGauchowell of course when you suck at it you're not gonna have fun :peepoWeirdVintage:
Марія ФорґутA bigger waste of time, but its not pointless.
Failentincrashes have nothing to do with skill ^^
StinkekSpecify the subject of "sucking at"
PegPeregoGaucho@Failentin and the sky is blue
Failentinokay 👍
PegPeregoGauchoeven if you would not have crashed
PegPeregoGauchoyou wouldn't be enjoying yourself
PegPeregoGauchoIf you suck at art, then thats the same case
Failentinthe real waste of time here is this discussion
StinkekRight, I didn't want all this
StinkekJust wanted to vent a little because things went horribly wrong
StinkekWhat exactly happened? ||Helvetia cheese cave. I was near the last corridor which would lead outside. I was controlling Asterix. I died and was switched to Obelix. I got all the way up again, and was still controlling Obelix, while Asterix didn't follow/teleport to me. There were just two triangular tortoises, but no singular enemies besides jetpack Romans flying inside the ground. Their bombs could spawn on the ground where I stood, so I kicked them into the tortoises until I destroyed them. I walked through the corridor but Asterix still wasn't with me. I activated the catapult and crashed.||