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BaddeKMmm, what a bargain
AdrienTD@DindonGrincheux :SwiftRage: :SwiftRage: :SwiftRage: :SwiftRage: :SwiftRage: :SwiftRage: :SwiftRage: :SwiftRage:
bakueverything works fine ;3
bakutry to punch them here instead of rolling them and then punching, key here is filling combo bar to full, because you can make power hammer later on lions to stun them
This message has been modified at to:
try to punch them here instead of rolling them and then punching, key here is filling combo bar to full, because you can make power hammer later on lions to stun them in other location
bakuwell played xD
Super mr.alexisokay thank you
Super mr.alexisit already works better on pc
bakuyou won't experience softlock on elevators anymore xD
Super mr.alexisyeah
Super mr.alexisI have the pressure when I ask anything I go faster
bakuhaha just chillout and do what need to be done :p
bakuwow, that was fast tardis haha
Super mr.alexisyeah I improved a lot later lol