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AdrienTDjust wanted to be sure you could read it
PegPeregoGaucho@Mr.RubinshteinDo you have the inspector?
AdrienTDah you want to be able to hide the bar
AdrienTDI already reduced the size of icons
AdrienTDBut we would need to find what layouts we need
AdrienTDYeah I know
AdrienTDmight look if I can change that
AdrienTDI always keep it on
AdrienTDBut always good to let user change that
AdrienTDMaybe like instead of closing the menu when clicking an element, keep it on?
AdrienTDah no maybe I understood something else
AdrienTDso you mean you want to have the categories to show and hide?
AdrienTDah so a configurable toolbar?
AdrienTDadding/remove the buttons
AdrienTDmight be interesting
AdrienTDthough that means by default we would show all icons
AdrienTDbut let user remove if they don't want