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SuperSqank This is the one I've used
ĆukaOk tnx @SuperSqank
Martyste Tendertail@yarnfang You shall be the one able to invite the translate Bot
Martyste Tendertail@SuperSqank What game(s) are you playing running in the XXL trilogy?
SuperSqankI tried to learn XXL 1 a few months ago which I guess is why I have a role
SuperSqankHaven't really touched it since
Martyste TendertailI'm just giving roles that just show a game name to help me remember who plays what and to easily call people of each game
Martyste TendertailBetter train a bit up again so you can at least upload a video to! We need a growing leaderboard.
SuperSqankI didn't get very far. Maybe I'll try and learn some stuff again in the future but I have no immediate plans.
Martyste TendertailOkay. But, it's like, very casual now to reach 1h30 now.
Martyste TendertailI'll leave it to you 😉
Martyste Tendertail
Martyste Tendertail<@&398462751007047683>
Noxus94Wow... My WR really is the worst
ĆukaBut why? If it's the worst how it can be the WR? XD
ĆukaJust bcz of fails?
Noxus94good question
ĆukaBut it's still the best!
Ćuka🤗 :vivalstatistix:
SuperSqankIt may be the fastest run but that doesn’t mean that it’s perfect :automatix: