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NoTeefy@rubinho146 might be the man for the subtitles. He's really good at it πŸ˜„
rubinho146Well hello
Martyste TendertailHai rubin
rubinho146What's neeeew?
PegPeregoGaucho@Martyste Tendertail damn the models were a bit better
StinkekI don't see differences in Asterix and Obelix's models, other than that Obelix's pants have less stripes
PegPeregoGauchoThey have the same shading too
Martyste TendertailThey have fingers...
Martyste TendertailAnd their shadows are dynamic
PegPeregoGauchodynamic shadows were very expensive on the PS2
PegPeregoGauchoMany Renderware games didnt even have dynamic shadows for objects πŸ€”
NoTeefyDogmatix really likes some good old & smacky πŸ‘ 😏
StinkekThis reminds me... ||WILL XXL3 HAVE **T H I C C** LEGIONARIES ?||
rubinho146The music ahahah
rubinho146So 2001
rubinho146They worked a lot on it
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