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Noxus94which some of you guys do, because you're too afraid of your combo bar too run out too soon, which will not happen anyways
Simafyeah, I'm used to filling it because of the elevator after that...
SimafI don't want any roman to spawn on it
Simafbut you're right too when you say I'm afraid of my combo bar running out ^^
Noxus94Yeah, but you can't lose your flybash there too soon. Unless you flybash a longer way and then don't jump once your combo bar reaches it's last third of course. But that's just yourself messing up then anyways
SimafAnd I practised for a little now Helvetia. I begin to have decent times, except these boring rocketeers...
SimafI always lose my fire to them...
Martyste Tendertail
SypervenyaI still fail flybash in Helvetia😞
NekinKeep training ! And if you have any question don't hesitate 😉
nexoGG Nekin
yarnfangGet at the grind ya nerds!
Alice 🌈xD it was an accident
yarnfangWait, how did you manage to hit the button? Is that a fake lock? xD