| Noxus94 | which some of you guys do, because you're too afraid of your combo bar too run out too soon, which will not happen anyways |
| Simaf | yeah, I'm used to filling it because of the elevator after that... |
| Simaf | I don't want any roman to spawn on it |
| Simaf | but you're right too when you say I'm afraid of my combo bar running out ^^ |
| Noxus94 | Yeah, but you can't lose your flybash there too soon. Unless you flybash a longer way and then don't jump once your combo bar reaches it's last third of course. But that's just yourself messing up then anyways |
| Simaf | yep |
| Simaf | And I practised for a little now Helvetia. I begin to have decent times, except these boring rocketeers... |
| Simaf | I always lose my fire to them... |
| Sypervenya | https://youtu.be/JUYOQqPwShs |
| Martyste Tendertail | https://youtu.be/KmvlY7IjoBc |
| M3rtButur4K | https://twitter.com/m3rtbutur4k_yt/status/1158934545795833856?s=21 |
| Nekin | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZ1Mccbe2C4 |
| Sypervenya | Congrats! |
| Sypervenya | I still fail flybash in Helvetia😞 |
| Nekin | Keep training ! And if you have any question don't hesitate 😉 |
| nexo | GG Nekin |
| yarnfang | Get at the grind ya nerds! |
| nexo | https://clips.twitch.tv/CallousCaringSkirretFutureMan |
| Alice 🌈 | xD it was an accident |
| yarnfang | Wait, how did you manage to hit the button? Is that a fake lock? xD |