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yarnfangbut we've never really looked at it to try and optimize it
yarnfangOh yeah, that remind me
yarnfangLook at this shit
yarnfangIt's really really really weird
Blauhirnwtf πŸ˜„
Noxus94Maybe I know what happened there, since I just experienced something interesting with flybash: When you hit something while in the air, you will keep the animation of the hit until you land on the ground. So maybe if you fall a little bit down and then hit again while still in the air you get this crazy shit somehow. And it seems to last a few seconds once you were doing it right one time.
Noxus94wouldn't bet on any consistancy, though...
Noxus94or maybe because you hit both, the Roman and the army, at the same time?
yarnfangI don't know
yarnfangThe counter was like, Fill *'Wait for it'* Fill
Noxus94Wait for it? More like, EXPLOSION! πŸ˜„
yarnfangI have many non "T for Teen" jokes about for that :)
Noxus94πŸ˜„ You should start with "that's what she said", then πŸ˜„
yarnfangI'm not gonna say any of the jokes :)
Noxus94Also if you havent seen yet
Martyste Tendertail @here XXL's first TAS ever...
yarnfangThose spawns 0__0