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Page: << <  1894 / 1897  >  >>
Mr.Rubinshteinwait i am sorry first graphics card was made in 1999
Mr.RubinshteinGeforce 256
AdrienTDWhat about the 3dfx Voodoo cards?
Filip5011NVIDIA gt 1
Filip5011o i was close
Mr.Rubinshteinoh didnt heard of those
AdrienTD3dfx was probably one of the first companies to make general public GPUs with 3D acceleration
AdrienTDas well as NVidia
AdrienTDNvidia made their first GPU for Sega
Mr.RubinshteinNvidia made its first big market GPU in 2001
Mr.Rubinshteinat least thats what internet states
AdrienTDkinda doubt
AdrienTDI would say earlier
Mr.Rubinshteingot it from this article
AdrienTDFirst 3dfx Voodoo was in 1996
Mr.Rubinshteinwell yea it says that they made first one in 1999 and like a big market one was in 2001
Mr.Rubinshteini see
Is Spoky monat@AdrienTD the fullscreen didn't work Like you Said the Others one dissarbers For No reason in the UXXL 2.0 file
Is Spoky monatThat was For me really sus