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Noxus94Does the doors of the 4 tutorial tasks still close when you use the skip, @Failentin , or do they open? In many games all things that are skipped automatically open
FailentinThey stay closed, if I remember correctly :/
Noxus94Meh :/
FailentinReally weird why the game would give a percent on the third torch instead of the fourth one 😞
Failentin@Martyste Tendertail Okay thanks, I will take a look at it later
M3rtButur4Kalso i'll be submitting my 100% run
AndreofHazel@Failentin Maybe they were hurrying to finish the development that they mixed it up and assigned it to the 3rd one instead of the 4th one. Or maybe something else happened, who knows?
M3rtButur4Ksubmitted my 100% run
M3rtButur4Kalso in the second stream, i continued *counting* the time after the first loading time
M3rtButur4Kand ended *counting* after the last roman soldier was defeated in the last challenge
FailentinA very surprising change in the patch 1.3.0 for Switch is that they changed the collision of the door at the 2nd boss prison
FailentinNow, you can go directly into one of the corners and get behind the gate via door glitch, which makes 2nd boss skip easier/more forgiving
FailentinSame goes for the third boss, however the trigger zone for the cutscenes is still inside of the gate, so it doesn't do much good
FailentinI almost feel like the point of this patch was to make the game more speedrun-friendly ^^
Noxus94They made a patch that made the game more glitchy? Seems totally legit xD
FailentinWell yeah, however this glitch would never happen if you just played casually :D
FailentinBut like, I really wonder why they changed that collision. I can't think of a single reason why they would bother to do that :VitrioThinks:
Martyste Tendertail:VitrioThinks:
M3rtButur4Kor would you rather have a small invisible wall
NoTeefyIf you want my honest interpretation about it: They probably tried to fix your glitch that they found on the web but didn‘t quite understand how you did it and failed at that. Another idea is that they already committed that collision onto their dev branch but it didn‘t get included with the older patches