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FailentinWhich makes me ask again: Wouldn't it be better if we introduced a rule that allows retiming runs with crashes?
NekinWe can i guess
FailentinWould be awesome
FailentinCause imagine a run at WR pace getting ruined by crashes
Failentin@Martyste Tendertail What's your opinion on this?
Nekin:wifiMad: :wifiMad: :wifiMad:
FailentinOh right, that did already happen to you in one of your runs 😅
FailentinThat was the crash right after filling the target board in Pirates Island, right? Aka the worst time where the game could possibly crash :Feelsbadman:
NekinNo just after the entrance of Pirate
FailentinOh alright
Noxus94XXL 2 WR is now shorter than XXL 1 WR. Nobody would've believed that a year ago xD
FailentinI had that other crash in mind
NekinYeah somehow i came up and i done a little with the WR and then Failentin came and took everything because he's way too good !
Failentin@Nekin Meh, back then I was only able to beat your runs with new discoveries. From now on we will have a real competition based purely on skill (and bonus tip RNG) :ExtraCheeks:
NoTeefy@Failentin I'm strongly against that in general. It opens up too much room for edits/segmented runs "masked" as single segment runs
NoTeefyWe should just try to push them for an update after they're done with XXL3
NoTeefyI'm pretty sure they won't have time for that at the moment because of XXL3^^