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ViGadeomesXXL GBA TAS and XXL2 DS TAS one day for sure by me if nobody do it before
NekinXXL GBA 100% :wifiSmug:
ViGadeomesyes and any%
PegPeregoGauchodidnt even know that existed until recently
ViGadeomesfor me I do them all for a game
ViGadeomeswhat ?
ViGadeomesTAS ?
PegPeregoGauchoNope GBA XXL
PegPeregoGauchowas it made by ELB too?
PegPeregoGauchogame was good graphics wise,but gameplay looked decent. also it got praise fir the "3d graphics" apparently
PegPeregoGaucholooks like DOOM "3d"
Nekinthe 3d environnement is rly impressive for the GBA
PegPeregoGauchoquestion is: is it real 3d?
M3rtButur4Ki feel like the "platinum trophy" category is a bit pointless, esspecially(did i write this right?) when someone like me already has that trophy/achievement
M3rtButur4Ka "get everything" (completing the game, beating all challenges, getting all diamond helmets and postcards and buying all upgrades and figurines) category would be better
FailentinIsn't that exactly what platinum trophy is though?
PegPeregoGauchoAre we talking about Playstation trophies?