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FailentinRight-click on your livesplit, go to "Edit Splits", select the name of the game and activate the auto-splitter @g frag
g fragwhen I search for xxl 2 livesplit says that there is no Autospliter Available
Failentin@g frag You gotta select the game from this list
g fragah ok I didn t put the accents
g fragIt worked thx
FailentinYeah, Livesplit is a bit picky in that aspect ^^'
Lenzzz@Failentin What is it ?
FailentinWhat is what? ^^
LenzzzThis picture
Noxus94the livesplit menu, as he already said exactly above and below that
Lenzzz@Noxus94 I don't speak English very well I'm French, I was too lazy to translate everything
ViGadeomesyou can go in french if you don't know how to translate it's fine but try to write in english as much as you can
ViGadeomesit's a way to improve
ViGadeomeseven with google translate you learn new words etc...
ViGadeomesand even if it's not a good english but we understand don't worry i'm doing it as well
g fragnew pb 1:41:03
M3rtButur4Koh well
Noxus94that's a sad leaderboard. Where's the competition to get close to Failentin? D: