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NoTeefyit won't even work in Steam... what the actual fuck is going on o.o
NoTeefyI can't reproduce the glitch anymore... Might be because of my non-glitched save I just tried in Steam.
NoTeefyCould someone check if you can't get the glitch after you activated the switch on the eiffel tower?
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NekinLet me know what your decision is because i'm probably the one who invested the most in time on speedrunning this game and it makes me kinda of mad that we just simply delete my WR and my runs like that
NoTeefyCan't reproduce it on Steam either with a complete fresh file
NoTeefy@Nekin well, we don't say that your run should be deleted but if it's something which isn't working for all systems you can't allow it, you know?
NoTeefyand therefor your run would be invalid
NoTeefy@yarnfang @Sora Aruzaky @Martyste Tendertail @Nekin I've spent 2 hours trying to reproduce the glitch even with the skips Nekin used in his speedrun and I can't get to reproduce it - neither in the Steam version or in the official one
NoTeefyI'm really interested what the reason for this is because it worked for me too a few days ago when I played it on the steam release
yarnfangIt has not been updated right?
NoTeefyI'm not sure about that since it updates by itself but my GoG-Version got the patch as soon as I downloaded it
NoTeefyit might be the patch though
NoTeefyIt's the only thing left
NoTeefyI mean I could test it if you guys want
NoTeefyI got all versions of the game right now 😄
yarnfangI don't remember if you can go back to unpatched versions on GoG :/
NoTeefyYou can, you get to download all versions for their games
NoTeefyI even have them on my computer still
NoTeefylet me check real quick
NoTeefygonna install the first version