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alexinho.khere we go again
ViGadeomesSHIT I tested it a long time ago but didn't make it !
ViGadeomesthanks to test it back ^^
Martyste TendertailYeah, and all i tried was smashing the ground from up-close, unsuccessful
Martyste TendertailXXL 2 gets a great load of skips now.
Martyste Tendertail1h49 pretty much?
ViGadeomesI'm waiting for my new pc
ViGadeomesis the magic potion glitch is possible on the remastered ?
Martyste Tendertailwhat's that glitch?
ViGadeomeswith the magic potion and the combo after you are at the upper position on the level
Martyste TendertailOh...we never tested, but I'm pretty surethisgot fixed
Martyste Tendertailcan't do it anymore at Larry Craft cuz no potion
ViGadeomesbut can do it in an other position
ViGadeomesneed to follow sora to know where LOL (I'm sure He doesn't remember anymore xD)
Martyste TendertailAnd you get Menhir rain too late
Martyste Tendertailthis time it unlocks somewhere in SeizeUs
Martyste TendertailSo, don't think about it
ViGadeomesoh feelbadman
alexinho.k@ViGadeomes I also tested it a some time ago, but I tried to jump under it, and there is an invisible wall ( on PC for sure )