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alexinho.kI didn't think that this jump is "high" enough for that
ViGadeomesi tried both things but didn't think about turning to the left xD
alexinho.koh xD
alexinho.kstill in connection with XXL2 I had an idea for one other skip, but it is probably working only in my head
NoTeefyThe problem actually isn't an invisible wall (at least not in the remaster) but a flag which gets deactivated after Sam Fisher told you about the possibility to break that plate
NoTeefyBefore that you could even jump right into the hole (without triggering Sam Fishers text) and it wouldn't do anything
alexinho.kI don't know mate, it seems to me that in the classic XXL2 the wall blocks you, because when you make the right jump, you can't get under this hole ( in the Polish version Sam calls it "chimney", but I will stay at the hole )
alexinho.kas if the space below the hole was surrounded by an invisible wall and you can destroy this floor only from above
NoTeefyYeah, I only tested it in the remaster, so there‘s that. There might be a wall in XXL2 but I wouldn‘t know for sure
NoTeefySeems like that‘s something they removed while doing the remaster
NoTeefynow I‘m wondering if they used any flag in the original game since the invisible wall would be sufficient enough
alexinho.kI'll show you something nice soon
File 2019-01-19_23-25-30.mp4 is currently not available:
alexinho.kyou have to be careful with jump because this soft-lock costs a little, but in general I think it's an easy skip at this moment
NoTeefy@alexinho.k you might fix that softlock by spam crouching while switching back to Obelix
NoTeefythat's how it works in the remaster atleast
alexinho.kprobably yes, but it's better to do it correctly
alexinho.kthere is one more thing