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ViGadeomesnice, hope it won't be too hard for you to do these jumps constantly tho...
ViGadeomesafter since you are the first runner i think you can try but if you don't get them all that's all right
BenlitzlerBut with practice, it should come. A bit like with the jump at the start of speedrun on Super Mario 64
ViGadeomesnow we have to think about new skips :TotalKappa:
ViGadeomesno joking. very good discoveries there
BenlitzlerThe record of the others does not interest me completely, I consider the speedrun as a race against myself, so this is more fun ! ^^
ViGadeomeswhat i would like is clips though doors xD
ViGadeomeshum stop dreaming viga....
BenlitzlerBy cons, I have speedrun in any%, but I never knew what the 100% is
BenlitzlerYeah, that could be cool, but I don't think it's possible ... We have to try x)
ViGadeomesoh 100% is kinda gallery% (so it's a bullshit in this game xD )
ViGadeomesbecause it means you have to be lucky in "machines de casino"(no trad available in my brain xP) to get them all
BenlitzlerI think I will check on my old cartridge about this gallery story, I wonder if my cartridge still works elsewhere
BenlitzlerOh god
BenlitzlerI think i can try
BenlitzlerBut i have to see this before
ViGadeomesalso, even if it's not very relevant, if you don't need to jump don't jump because the first jump makes you lose some frames x)
BenlitzlerYup, this a problem i have with all game I play XD