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Well I don't see what's strange about that 😛
Martyste Tendertail
Yeah, it was the same for all other games
The glitch is actually very hard to do by hand
me too but.... i instantiated the thing so I would never try something maybe nothing would have been discovered and begun
Martyste Tendertail
If not for the flybash, XXL 1 would have stayed nice for 5 runners to this day
Martyste Tendertail
The beauty of speedrunning is the common effort given by each member
and i love this community for that ❤️
Martyste Tendertail
Skipping XXL 1's Rome was discovered by BoLin... his name should be carved on a golden menhir.
we would need to keep somewhere all the names of these guys x)
Yeah ^^ Though it was Pyramiden who found the faster skip, right?
do we have something like this here ?
I don't think so
we have to and put it somewhere on discord on src on the site :/
it's really important that glitch hunters are remembered we always remember of mods, speedrunners but never glitch hunters or people that find new strats...
(it's not for my discoveries on XXL2 DS i don't care it's more for others)
anyway i go to bed :> i'll maybe try to find new stuff on XXL2 DS tomorrow 😛
Funny thing is, I remember myself doing flybash one of the first times I played, and my brother told me some days ago he got the Rome catapult skip years ago without knowing how, but he ignored it cause he thought he wouldn't be able to pass the game without Obelix. If we had had interest in speedrunning and recording back then... But it wouldn't have been fun for the community, it's much better for everyone to see the progress through the years.
new discovery which save some frames (6 actually) : bouncing on an enemy is faster than not touching him while jumping over to avoid him
Martyste Tendertail
also we need to reroute the entire game with these discoveries so if you like doing so Marty 😛