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Failentinjust copy them from the CD into the folder of the game
PegPeregoGauchoWhite theme :KidChamp:
Superperforatoryes the cutscenes intro & tipp vidoes @Failentin
Superperforatoryepp works
Feurus Fuchsus> White theme :KidChamp: is there a way to get a different theme for the explorer ?
Superperforatortheme in song???
Feurus Fuchsusno. spork meant your folder
Feurus Fuchsussounds like there's a different theme for it instead of white.
Superperforatoryeah ther is
Superperforatorbut many people dont´t care
Feurus Fuchsusi never knew there was a different theme. i also don't know how to get it.
Superperforatorto be honest the white one looks best
Superperforatorwell you can put it in a greyish one
Superperforatorand you can put it to win 7 xp vista
Superperforatorand 95/2000
Марія ФорґутIs there any way to skip cutscene with Panor-man in Venetia ?