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Noxus94There are just some more Romans spawning and they deal more damage. That's it
FailentinOkay, that's good, should make the final boss *a lot* easier xD
Noxus94If you have anything I should definitly consider for the Tutorial or what you think I don't know yet, just write me as a DM
FailentinSure ^^ will see if I remember something like that
FailentinI really need to refresh my skills in this game again x)
Failentindid a horrible derust run x)
Failentinstill struggling with a lot of the new strats, especially with the torch clip in Rome... I can't find any consistency with that
Failentinbut at least my PC problem seems to be solved (I hope) ^^
Noxus94what did you do to solve it?
Failentinapparently, replugging the power supply unit did the trick. In fact, my brother (who owned this PC before me) remembered he had a similar problem with crashes caused by the power supply. I just hope that it's actually fixed now and that this isn't just a coincidence today x)
Noxus94Sure hope so
Noxus94I would still love to see your Rome segment, btw
Failentinwell, it's gonna burn your eyes x)
FailentinNot only did I lose three minutes to the torch clip, I made a lot of dumb mistakes on easier places as well...
Failentinbut I'll upload the segment then ^^
Noxus94I wasn't any better in my "run", believe me xD It's extremely finicky, even though there are spots where it works easy and others where it's almost impossible
Noxus94your run would've been invalide anyways xD
Failentinwhy is that? :VitrioThinks: