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Noxus94or what do you mean with platform exactly? Where did it happen?
Failentinit happens very often here
Failentinbut it also happened in the second dark wheel rome in Tyre today
Noxus94Huh, didn't know it could crash there
Failentinyeah :/ So I'd say it's gonna be safer to use the intended doors for Asterix there, even though it's a tad slower...
Failentinstill not much success with torch clip :c Could you maybe post a video of how you do it if you have one at hand? Can't find your run anymore ^^'
Noxus94 Okay, this is quite a good setup, I think. Obelix is positioned behind Asterix but off-centered a small bit to the right. His feet end just a tiiiny bit above that line.
Noxus94And Asterix is looking straight forward as well, of course
Failentinthanks, but it still doesn't want to work for me x) He just ends up on the torch every time...
Failentinthe problematic thing might be that precise movement is something that doesn't exist in XXL3 ^^'
Failentinwant to take a tiny step towards the gate? oops, suddenly you stand right at it 😛
Noxus94you can adjust a little bit there, because everytime you place the fire, Obelix takes a tiny step back
Noxus94Sooo @ZoéLemaître . Failentin and I have a few questions regarding how this game works. 1. Are all cutscenes of the entire country stored in the oob surroundings of the level? Because it's at least like this in Rome. 2. What exactly determines to let the game progress to the next quest? Is it your positioning? Is it directly linked to some cutscenes? Or an entirely invisible variable?
Noxus94If any other staff member knows: feel free to answer us as well. Thanks in advance 😄
SimafI like this reverse engineering technique ... :Pedlar:
Deleted Userask developers is reverse enginering cheat :SwiftRage:
NoTeefyThat‘s what you call social engineering :Owl:
ZoéLemaître@Noxus94 I'm on vacation for two weeks 😉 for your questions I will let @Domenico respond if he wants to. I will be back soon 🙂 take care !
ZoéLemaître> Sooo @ZoéLemaître . Failentin and I have a few questions regarding how this game works. > 1. Are all cutscenes of the entire country stored in the oob surroundings of the level? Because it's at least like this in Rome. > 2. What exactly determines to let the game progress to the next quest? Is it your positioning? Is it directly linked to some cutscenes? Or an entirely invisible variable? @Noxus94 I'm back ;) 1) Cutscenes are scripted actions played in game. But components of the cutscenes (objects, caracters...) are oob. 2) Depends on what quest. Sometimes it's the cutscene, sometines talking to a PNJ etc...
Noxus94To announce something positive, I'm currently working on the little XXL 3 Any% guide this link leads to! I hardly have time (and also currently not the mental mindset) to work on it, but I hope to get it done in a few weeks/months. :3