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Noxus94studies (and by that I mean me playing the game) have shown, that in XXL you can store an Enter-Input (that's what I will call inputs which make you talk to people) by standing in front of a person, entering the menu, enter koop-mode and spam your Enter-Button. Then, even after teleporting around with the mission or level menu, once you go back to solo-mode the game will automatically let the person you controlled in solo mode use the enter-input wherever they stand that moment.
Noxus94And as always in XXL3: Pretty cool, but I can't think of any purpose for it
Noxus94since it unfortunately doesn't store the event your just triggering, only the Enter-Input
Noxus94or in other words: If you store the input while talking to Person A and then walk up to Person B and return to solo-mode, you will trigger the event of Person B, even though your input was to trigger the event of Person A
StinkekIs there a speedrun race practice going on?
Failentinyup 😄
DoctorIw (40🔥)Hey everyone. I have a question on XXL 3. I cannot find the location of the labyrinth quest (Last Warning from above) at Crete. Where is it?
DoctorIw (40🔥)Did you manage to find it eventually? Still looking for it
Herr EpsilonI don't remember unfortunately
Im here just to say worst xxl made by the dev
DindonGrincheuxLoot discord nitro 3 months -
bakuLol, now
Mr.Rubinshteinseriously? 1 year old message reply?
bakuYeah xD
bakuWhy not
SanojixHey guys, one question: what the hell is the 100%-Mode for?!:Samleft:
Filip5011Flexing your wasted time