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Mr.Rubinshteinso the door opens
Mr.Rubinshteinrun back to the area where crane is
Mr.Rubinshteinswitch to obelix
Mr.Rubinshteinrun with obelix all the way back to lions area
Mr.Rubinshteinmove the wooden platforms
Mr.Rubinshteinwithout destroying enemies for soft lock
Mr.Rubinshteinthen when you move big block with obelix switch to asterix
Mr.Rubinshteinrun with asterix take torch and help obelix get to other side
Mr.Rubinshteinthat way you will get passive lock
Feurus Fuchsusthat must be the most elaborate passive lock i know of
bakuPsst Braixy look 👉
StinkekIf Asterix extinguishes the torch before lighting the barrel before the training hall, it's screwed
Feurus Fuchsusthat happened to me. the torch extinguished before i could light up the barrel
bakuIn this skip, as in many others, perfect timing is important. Every second of the burning torch counts
Feurus Fuchsusthe funny thing is, i have no clue why i even attempted a speedrun. i don't know any glitches in Helvetia, Egypt and Rome
bakuYou can always learn them :VitrioThinks:
Feurus Fuchsusmaybe. or i just look into a much easier to speedrun game.
Feurus Fuchsusmaybe XXL 2
Feurus Fuchsusat least that game doesn't have difficult passive locks
Failentinyeah, XXL2HD is easier to run