| Failentin | I'd say original XXL2 is just as hard though ^^ |
| baku | Honestly, XXL is not a difficult game to speedrun, it just requires you to practice some of the harder tricks, but the rest is pretty simple. |
| baku | In fact, most of these "harder skips" are sometimes not worth using at the outset, as they save a few seconds, but if you do something wrong, you might lose a few minutes sometimes, and sometimes even an entire run. |
| Feurus Fuchsus | at first i though about speedrunning GTA VC. but then i realized that speedrunning that game is about 100 times more difficult than XXL |
| baku | ||For example 3 elevators and keg skip in egypt|| |
| Feurus Fuchsus | many incredibly difficult setups to skip missions |
| Sypervenya | The route in XXL 2 is pretty hard to remember for me: you need to go there and back |
| Failentin | Since the combo bugs will probably not be fixed until tomorrow, I guess it'll be the best option to run on Easy mode? |
| Stinkek | If the Combo bar drains the slowest on Easy, why make it more complicated? |
| Simaf | ^ |
| Martyste Tendertail | I agree for Easy. |
| Failentin |
https://youtu.be/UyCDGXaynTU |
| baku | Ez |
| baku | Nice |
| rubinho146 | Ez Pz lemon squeazy |
| Simaf | Casual speedrun ... |
| rubinho146 | Very casual |
| rubinho146 | 👀 |
| Simaf | And even with that, he failed it once ... lul |
| Simaf | What a casual player |