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FailentinI'd say original XXL2 is just as hard though ^^
bakuHonestly, XXL is not a difficult game to speedrun, it just requires you to practice some of the harder tricks, but the rest is pretty simple.
bakuIn fact, most of these "harder skips" are sometimes not worth using at the outset, as they save a few seconds, but if you do something wrong, you might lose a few minutes sometimes, and sometimes even an entire run.
Feurus Fuchsusat first i though about speedrunning GTA VC. but then i realized that speedrunning that game is about 100 times more difficult than XXL
baku||For example 3 elevators and keg skip in egypt||
Feurus Fuchsusmany incredibly difficult setups to skip missions
SypervenyaThe route in XXL 2 is pretty hard to remember for me: you need to go there and back
FailentinSince the combo bugs will probably not be fixed until tomorrow, I guess it'll be the best option to run on Easy mode?
StinkekIf the Combo bar drains the slowest on Easy, why make it more complicated?
Martyste TendertailI agree for Easy.
bakuNice :pogelix:
rubinho146Ez Pz lemon squeazy
SimafCasual speedrun ... :Feelsbadman:
rubinho146Very casual
SimafAnd even with that, he failed it once ... lul
SimafWhat a casual player