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Failentinyes 👌
Stinkekno real updates = not updating
Mr.Rubinshteini wonder why
AdrienTDAlso Gog didn't get the update (it's still at 0.29)
AdrienTDSo legit players who bought game on Gog can't speedrun?
Failentinwell, the main idea behind showing the version is that no one's running on the cheats version
SimafThey can speedrun the original game :TotalKappa:
StinkekIf they, for example, added attack indicators to ski jumpers, catapults and bombs, I'd be interested in updating.
FailentinIt's not like the patch changed anything in terms of speedrunning anyway ^^
StinkekDon't excuse it with rEaLiSM. It's for the same convenience as the original/Retro.
SimafIs there anything provided by the set of cheat tools that cannot be detected while watching a run ?
Mr.Rubinshteinis refund% still relevant? :Pause:
StinkekRefund% and Any% under 2H would be the same thing
SimafCan you buy a game a refund it over and over ? ^^