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Martyste TendertailEAT DAT!!
Martyste Tendertail
Noxus94you FINALLY did it? D:
Noxus94I can play the game again? xD
Ćuka@Martyste Tendertail
Noxus94conragtz Marty :3
Ćuka:GWqlabsFeelsGoodMan: :GWseremePeepoGGERS:
Martyste Tendertailcomparison with your splits
Martyste TendertailPlease don't steal it in 2 days
Martyste TendertailI've waited a year and a half
Martyste Tendertailto be good enough again
Martyste TendertailSo it still failed a few things
Martyste Tendertaili tried your advanced flibash in helvetia and failed
Martyste Tendertailhad to resort on my strat and it worked
Martyste Tendertailfor some reason the Egypt 400 roman ( second battle ) didn't went as smooth and I had to use 2 twisters
Martyste TendertailOtherwise, I think everything was as good as I could be.
Martyste Tendertail
Martyste TendertailIn 9 minutes