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NoTeefyand I found 2 cutscene skips, they only save like 5 seconds both but it's something^^
FailentinPirates Island really seems to be the most dangerous area of the game x)
NekinI need to know your golds for each split
NoTeefyOh and I think I do the bosses faster than you, for whatever reason
Failentin@NoTeefy At the Arc de Triomphe maybe?
NoTeefyI can provide them to you if I finish a proper run. I often don't save them because I get too tilted 😄
NoTeefyYeah, I should change that attitude xD
Nekinyou should at least save the golds after quitting a run
NoTeefyBut it won't be long till I can present you a proper run 😃
NoTeefyyeah I know. Will try to get better with not raging after getting fucked over by the game x.x
NoTeefy@Nekin oh and you can get stuck on the wall and instant die from that pac man on the platform where you have to throw the pirates to the cannon platform
NoTeefyThat was one of the biggest time losses today
NekinI know that your fights were better than mine but 11 minutes
Nekinthat's huge
Nekini can't even think how you make the fights that fast
FailentinI'd like to know too
NekinHe got a magic trick to save 11 minutes obviously
NekinAnd we should switch in the good chat
rubinho146Ideafix HD texture soon