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Martyste Tendertail80!?
Martyste TendertailNo way, i used to see ones for 30
NoTeefyYup... because they developed a new one for the Smash release
NoTeefywas in presale though
NoTeefythe prices may have dropped
NoTeefyYeah there is an older one but there are known bugs
Martyste TendertailUh...
NoTeefyand the other ones are chinese creations; I'm not sure if I want to use them :X
NoTeefyDon't wanna kill my precious original controller :>
NoTeefyThe thing that bothers me most with nintendo is that they KNOW they have very iconic consoles and controllers but they don't provide any support for them in todays environments
Martyste Tendertail Gonna race with Noxus
Martyste TendertailBeen comparing my Normandy Gold with Noxus' 16:15 VS 16:05
Martyste TendertailWe actually both do mistakes and saves
Martyste TendertailA really optimised Normandy might get at 15:45 or below
cruzderivas94Hello, I'm trying to play XXL 1 on windows 10, but it doesn't launch. Can anyone help me with that? Thanks
NekinWe have a channel #help for things like that ๐Ÿ˜‰
NoTeefyXXL 1 autosplitter coming soon :GWseremePeepoGGERS:
Nekin:mrmvProjet: :mrmvProjet: :mrmvProjet:
NoTeefyThe auto-splitter was committed to the official LiveSplit repository about 27 hours ago. It still hasn't been committed by the main developers but it should be getting committed in the next 24 hours. As soon as that's done you'll be able to activate the splitter on the "Splits"-Menu. Be sure to report any bugs if happen to get some. It will automatically start your run after the initial movie (there's an option for segmented runs too but that one's deactivated by default @Martyste Tendertail ๐Ÿ˜š ). You're now free to use any language you desire but make sure to submit both (RTA and IGT) times when posting a new run on and you probably want to swap your time comparison to IGT after your first full run.
NoTeefyOkay it just got merged. Have fun with the splitter and GL on your runs ๐Ÿ˜‰