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bakuPractice makes everything easier :p
SimafI practiced it a lot already
SimafI am often close, but I very rarely get it
SimafI think it would be easier if we had flybash
Failentinbtw, there's no need to kill the archer
SypervenyaI didn't kill the archer in second attempt
SypervenyaMy apologies for the quality
SypervenyaIt's 3 seconds or so like that
SypervenyaWait,Failentin did almost same thing in 1:08 run
FailentinThe fast slingshot thing? I've been experimenting with that for a while, but never found anything consistent
SypervenyaNo,I don't wait Romans and immediately grab the potion then go back and start to kill
SypervenyaSimaf on WR Helvetia% waited Romans
SypervenyaDon't watch to the timer,I don't use autosplitter
SimafI don't know if this strat is consistent. It's nice to see it's faster.
SimafHowever, I've also been practicing the slingshot.
SimafAs far as I understand things, it's a combination of angle and touching it on the middle of it