What are favourite Asterix soundtracks, both movies and games? (excluding Laforest OSTs maybe, I'm pretty sure we all like those)
12 tasks or sieg über cäsar (not sure what the english title is)
I'd say mine are
Asterix & Obelix Take on Caesar by Jean-Jacques Goldman
The Secret of the Magic Potion by Phillippe Rombi
Asterix versus Caesar by Vladimir Cosma
And for games, Gallic War and the 1995 SNES game
unfortunately not all soundtracks of asterix movies have gotten released
I really like whatever music plays during the mountain climbing in Twelve Tasks
The egyptian workers music in Cleopatra
And the little leitimoff that shows up in various places of Asterix and Caesars Surprise
But another magnificent gem is the Slap them All soundtrack
The music of the various territories is beyond noice
Fav movie soundtrack: Asterix in Britain
Fav game soundtrack: Asterix & Obelix XXL 2
I'd be up for a remix of it
-Mistletoe (cut with a golden sickle)
-Beetroot juice/Petroleum
-Fish (preferrably fresh)
-Miscelaneous plant matter (grab any flowers and roots you see)
-Lobster (optional)
-Strawberries (optional)
If any of you ever feel like making magic potion
Sounds like it must taste horrible, but I'm a picky eater so who am I to talk
That's the ingredient list of Mountain Dew