So you're the one who made the server's icon?
Yes, with some help from Rubin. I did the vector over a screenshot from XXL1.
I like how people recognise him but no one knows his name
They never said his name in the movie... I think
In French and German - yes, they didn't. In German he refers to himself as Dekurio, which doesn't sound like a name at all, but rather a rank
I should rewatch the movie, I don't remember his name being said in the French version at all
It's just "Decurion" in credits
But in the comic he does get namedropped
I don't remember much from the live-action Britain film other than the drunk Romans scene and some cringeworthy moments
i didn't even know there was a live-action movie of Asterix In Britain
The Britain live Action movie is Bad
Asterix in Britain + Asterix and the Vikings