If I would make an objective ranking, it would look a bit different
La Surprise de César is superb just because of Pierre Tchernia, Vladimir Cosma soundtrack, humour, and being the best 2x1 adaptation.
Herr Epsilon
It's good, but I think it has flawed comedic timing - for some reason the same jokes don't get a laugh out of me in the movie, while they do in the album.
Well, books are almost always better script-wise, that goes without question. In any franchise...
Martyste Tendertail
I suppose dubs of Mission Cléopatre musn't have been good considering where y'all rank it
Martyste Tendertail
To me that would be the best of the Live Actions
Conclusion from the tiers: real people suck
Yeah, why are all people here hating the live action movies?
I was never too fond of live-action films in general. If I want to see a real person, I can go outside.
live action movies have a nice charm there
And celebrities? I don't give two shits.
The Asterix versus cesar live action movie was okay, but it's sequel had less and less do with asterix and tried to hard to be quirky i guess
Maybe I'm simply disconnected from reality, but there may be something mildly unsettling about live-action