The biggest discovery I made is when I disassembled the exe and found that a lot of strings beginning with C like CTextureDictionary, CGeometry, CNode, ... all where used in a single function, probably to iniatialise the class
So I tried to intercept the function and made a call log of it:
And the most surprising thing were the two first arguments
which happen to be the location of the class inside the KWN file
Especially the first argument is a number between 0 and 14, so 15 possible values
and I knew that KWN files always had 15 root chunks
so I quickly found the connection between the classes and the KWN structure
Here is a list of all the classes in the demo of Asterix XXL2 and their respective type and ID numbers:
The collision data may be hided then
To see if there’s anything to be found for the hitbox
There's also CDynamicGround