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The only art of mine I consider to be a waste is the art I made for people who turned out to be sociopaths... and maybe a toxic SJW
whats the agenda now?
toxic sjw... :WeirdChamp:
It's a long story, but anyway, I thought that person was my friend, I drew their character for them, but later we had some disagreements and they seemed aggressive about what they believed, such as how to draw a game character properly (I believe nobody HAS to stay on-model, people can experiment, change things up a bit) or what pronouns another character should go by (stuff like this just never ends well), they also told me they support some sort of "cringe art" blog (which can negatively affect artists and stop them from doing what they enjoy), they basically killed our friendship and I wrote a callout. A few years later, they even had the guts to DM me from an alternate account to call me a Nazi. I blocked them on all their accounts I knew about and never heard from them since. Never, EVER blindly trust anyone who appears "so innocent and supportive uwu" from their artwork.
thats the thing with a lot of the SJW and in general progressive people
they want all sorts of insanity, equity and whatever, to "make up" for other things etc. but in reality there is not a problem present, theyre the ones causing all the chaos...
disagreement? You must be a nazi! :lulW:
Actually they called me a Nazi because of what I used to draw before. PARODY, CARTOON Nazis that are supposed to make fun of actual Nazis.
if you worry and argue about pronouns "which should be an obvious thing by now, we humans dont exist for only 2000 years) then you definitely have some other problems ^^
maybe he didnt know that show
Possible, the cartoons they came from are wartime shorts with a bit of racist humor, which isn't something you'd see on a TV today. But there are plenty of artists who draw similar stuff that's more serious and has more effort put into it. People draw negative subjects: Nazis, violence, harmful habits, etc., that doesn't mean they condone that shit. There are just some people you can't reason with and should block before it gets worse.
i dont take much offense in stuff said online
except when its a person i know
You mean, IRL?
The person firmly believed a character was non-binary despite the source material not providing any evidence for any gender identity. I don't mind the idea of the character going by "they/them", I mind when people are being defensive over it, like the fictional character really exists and people could invalidate their identity, identity of someone who is only a figment of someone's imagination.
In simple words, caring about a fictional character more than a real person is stupid.
Like, I'm pretty sure Obelix is straight and he is close to Asterix only because they're BFFs since childhood, I can remember him crushing on at least two women (Panacea and the Native American girl), but I can still enjoy shipping art of him with Asterix. And straight stuff is just... usually boring in my eyes.
That stuff only goes one way btw. Draw straight person gay or white (not always white but people can't tell the difference) black and people shear. Opposite and they start to project meanings onto it that aren't there and gravitate themselves and then blame the creator for it all.