Yeah, because even if the 2 streams share different lagg on a restream the time will help figure out.
I just care about the time :p
Def goona look after that. But from now on I'm gonna sleep. School t'morrow.
Also nice strat in gaul village for helmets. Gonna use that instead of bashing romans, with good optimisation it gets better than me
Hey, just tryed local streaming with mishira and the emulated version of XXL
Might make it to a test stream one day
Is dxwnd working well for you?
Mine just won't put XXL in awindow.
So I dunno how to record the PC version in a stream...
It puts it into a window. And then in game I set it to the biggest size possible
Quick, my seesion might be closing itself really soon
I remember there being some weird settings that I ahd to make
Download Asterix__Obelix_XXL.dxw:
Direct Download
See if you can import that