Marty, Do you have XXL2 version for PC or anyone? Aruzaky has a very bad connection to send me it x)
@everyone Can anyone send me gamemodule.elb for this game ? Thank you !
If you have the original one:
Someone use DesmuME or record on nintendo DS ?
@ViGadeomes What's the matter?
I can't record with a good quality on my computer when I use DesmuME so I don't know if my settings completelly emule perfectelly a real DS or If my computer can do it. I did some IL runs on XXL2 DS with DesmuME and the in game time is very long so I don't know if it's noral or not...
Oh, I remember XXL2 on DS was pretty atrocious
@everyone if someone has a capture card for nintendo DS lite Where can I buy it?
But I'll speedrun XXL 2 DS xD
jokes aside, there was a place that sold them
Not sure if they are still being sold
Or you can go crazy like me and build it yourself:
yeah but I have a nintendo DS lite so that don't work :/
Well, a regular DS phat isn't that expensive