that's why they have you 😉
you're still in our hearts 😉
If it wasn't for you I couldn't translate the PS1 version of Gallic War
I had so much fun doing it
it was a quite interesting project indeed^^. I really hope I can finish certain projects soon which should allow me to invest more time into communities like this
I'm almost done with the revamped XXL1 splitter but I'm still not too happy with how I solved certain things
daily struggle of a programmer :c
After I finish my last freelance project I'm going to quit freelancing for some time and dedicate more for the XXL HD textures
@GrandFather7 So, for the door glitch: You start the strat by dashing against the door with Asterix (the character you *don't* want to glitch through the door). Switch characters at the same moment you pressed the dash button. This should hold Asterix (who you need for the next steps) close to the door.
Now, with Obelix, also dash against the door and simultaneously switch to the first character. The spot on the door that you need to dash against depends on which door glitch it is: For Lutetia door glitch you should be at the middle of the door, for the one in Venetia Obelix should be in the left corner.
Now, while Obelix is still in his dash animation and you control Asterix, dash into Obelix, but into the **opposite** direction in which he is dashing. This should give him so much velocity that he flies right behind the door.
I hope that was understandable. 😅
However, I don't get what you mean with Roman ambushes :/
You know on your WR there is a moment where you dash on a door and quit and then you return into the game! The romans will be there except you can stand on the buttons you use to go to different location!