Oh, okay 🙂 That one is super simple: For the second fight at the Arc de Triomphe (after the Eiffel Tower), you go to the door that leads to the Notre Dame area. By doing so, you set a new spawnpoint for Asterix at that door, which means if you die, you'll be reset at that door and not at the door that leads to the eiffel tower. Thus, the fight that you were supposed to do, is not activated anymore and you can go straight on without triggering it again.
However, there is a faster way than dying: When you're at the door, go to the pause screen and change costumes. This saves the game (and thus also the new spawnpoint), so when you exit the game and reenter, the game puts you there.
The same is possible for the third fight at the Arc (on your way to Louxor): Only that this time, you set a new spawnpoint at the door to the Eiffel Tower, so that after changing costumes and reentering, you can run around the area and activate the button for the elevator without triggering the fight again.
Alright let me try! Comin back!
Just be sure not to leave the game too soon after changing costumes, otherwise the game might not have enough time to save
Im quite disappointed with the fact that XXL 3 never came to North America I live in a province where Asterix is known and I thought it was gonna release at some point here since the remastered got released!
who knows, maybe they'll still do it
after all, Roman Rumble was also released only one year after the European release
Yeah it would probably be the same for XXL 3
Is it better than the others?
It depends what do you expect ^^"
a lot of us on the discord were disappointed
its definitely not like the first 3 games in terms of gameplay, graphics and story
I looked at some gameplay and... that’s what I tought!