Imagine using an online store to access an otherwise completely offline game. Stupid, STUPID
Just did a run. Almost died in Normandy and Greece, couldn't get the propeller + platform jump in Greece for a while, had a ~15 second (!) massive lag in Egypt due to excessive dust from iron crates and repeatedly failed the Passive Lock in Rome until I got it at the 1500 Romans battle. 2 hours and a few minutes
Also, I had no Twister
Suicide is not the answer, unless the question is Rome PL. Even if, in theory, it's possible to win the 1500 Romans fight without combos, the run would've just taken forever
Me: visits all locations before starting the run to reduce loading times
The game: haha particles go brrr
Let me know if there's an update that fixes excessive particles glitch- oh, wait, that's never gonna happen
Oof yeah, Egypt can get so laggy
Egypt was okay to me like every country, excluding the FUCKING PARTICLES MOCKING MY MODERN PC
Марія Форґут
1500 roman fight? 1000 (from 1500) - easiest enemies .
The first two battles in Rome are just legionaries and centurions, the next two battles have potion dispensers, the last one is 1500 Romans without a dispenser, the ultimate patience+agility test for Twisterless folks
Марія Форґут
1500 roman fight - easy.
This fight has lions. For me, lions - ez COMBO Bar boost of Attack Speed.