It seems that my time with loads is 2:06:25, while loadless is 2:04:42
I probably would've beaten Kratos' time by a bit if I got Rome Passive Lock first try
I know that feeling ... I probably could have beaten Failentin if I would have attempted it
Is there a guide with the recent shortcuts, passive locks and glitches?
Wait a sec
baku Here you can find an explanation of most skips in the game
Martyste Tendertail
However, not all of them are working for the Romaster.
Martyste Tendertail
Gaul Barricade skip and Greece Tardis are among those
Марія Форґут
Gaul Barricade doesn't work, because Remaster use PS2 build, in which, wall collision - normal.
Марія Форґут
Greece Tardis just can't be used, because place for this doesn't have crates.
I recommend you to watch the speedruns because you can learn most from speedruns, this playlist doesn't show all possible skips in the game as these videos are a bit old but anyway you can find most of the skips there which are well described there, step by step