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Mr.Rubinshteinand get insta banned
Stinkekmt NOOS
Stinkekhold up
Mr.Rubinshtein:emoji_62: :Soviet_Helmetz:
Failentin:sdiorciM_Ultra: :emoji_62: :Our_Helmetz:
Mr.Rubinshteinthe moment when official Microids server doesnt have their logo in emoji list :TotalKappa:
Failentinyeah ^^'
Mr.Rubinshteinyou know what would be good is to add white lines like in logo
Mr.Rubinshteinwait a sec let me try
Failentinwhite lines?
Mr.Rubinshteinlike in the offciial logo
Martyste TendertailHe means a white outline?
Mr.Rubinshteinnot only that
Mr.Rubinshteinjust wait i will do it myself
Mr.Rubinshteinit would be hella funny
Martyste TendertailThere's no outlines on the text tho.
Mr.Rubinshteinyou will see it :pausechamp: