| Mr.Rubinshtein | |
| Mr.Rubinshtein | and get insta banned |
| Stinkek | mt NOOS |
| Mr.Rubinshtein | |
| Stinkek | hold up |
| Mr.Rubinshtein |
| Failentin | |
| Mr.Rubinshtein | the moment when official Microids server doesnt have their logo in emoji list |
| Failentin | yeah ^^' |
| Mr.Rubinshtein | you know what would be good is to add white lines like in logo |
| Mr.Rubinshtein | wait a sec let me try |
| Failentin | white lines? |
| Mr.Rubinshtein | like in the offciial logo |
| Mr.Rubinshtein | |
| Martyste Tendertail | He means a white outline? |
| Mr.Rubinshtein | not only that |
| Mr.Rubinshtein | just wait i will do it myself |
| Mr.Rubinshtein | it would be hella funny |
| Martyste Tendertail | There's no outlines on the text tho. |
| Mr.Rubinshtein | you will see it |