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KaadzikIt runs perfectly fine
KaadzikJust with those weird 16 and 32 bit resolutions
KaadzikAdding the files you gave me did nothing, it runs the same as before
Huwebhow it's run ?
Huwebthe color is bad ?
KaadzikIt's all normal
KaadzikI'm just confused as you are
Huwebwhy ?
KaadzikCause I don't have like half of files from "normal" release of the game and it still works
Huwebyou have a craked game ?
KaadzikNo, a normal copy, it's just a polish release
KaadzikSub + dub
KaadzikBut I can't apply a widescreen patch because of that :kaadziFeelsBatman:
Huwebwe all have dxwindows
Martyste TendertailDon't worry Kaadzik
Martyste TendertailI have many files that don't take part of the original install
Martyste TendertailIncluding dxwnd files
KaadzikWell, it's still better to have more files than not enough of them 😄