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AdrienTDI didn't say that the game was only developed by id
Martyste Tendertail One of Joe Mc Alby's catchiest tunes.
Martyste TendertailHis signature "spring rythm" makes me dream.
Martyste TendertailI just gave that name
Martyste TendertailJust listen to the rythm and you'll feel like there's a vibrating note that goes along like a jumping spring
ViGadeomesTHE game I won't TAS Kappa
MoistManIf amyone wants to try GTA Vice City, I have an advice
MoistManThat game sucks
MoistManI just beat it in two sittings
MoistMan(Last evening till 1.30 am and this whole day basically)
MoistManTook me nine and a half hours
MoistManGo play San Andreas or something
NoTeefyIt's a nice game though
NoTeefySA is better imho
MoistManThe missions are fucking shit in this one
MoistManLike legit
MoistManAll of the GTA games I played were actually fun, if a bit frustrating at times
MoistManThis game has so much frustration in it the fun sandwiched inbetween is not worth trying to get to