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StinkekAh, so, it could be processing videos effectively, but it doesn't because it only uses a single core...
NoTeefyYep, I can give you an example
NoTeefyMy processor consists of 8 cores and all of them have 2 threads. Which means it can essentially do 16 things at the same time... I had a project I worked on that had a lot of effects and other stuff in it and it took 12.5 hours to render on a single core (because fuck After Effects)
NoTeefyI then bought a test subscription for renderboss, which is a third-party software that allows you to use unlimited amounts of your worker units (kind of a network full of machines waiting to process) and it only took 2 hours for the same project
NoTeefyby using 14 out of my 16 threads πŸ˜„
NoTeefyNot even going to start about their customer service in their forums. It's like a collection of memes πŸ˜„
StinkekMy processor has only 2 cores...
NoTeefyIt's essentially this: Someone reports/suggests a feature that every other program provides except for them. They answer with: ``We didn't think of it at the time when we wrote the programs, we won't include them. Just use third-party solutions``
NoTeefygg wp, that's how you treat customers :papaLOL:
NoTeefy@Stinkek double core processors were the standard back when your pc was built, it then swapped to four cores and nowadays it's more like 6 cores
NoTeefybut there are processors with 32 cores and shit, but they are expensive as hell πŸ˜„
NoTeefyPretty cheap 28 cores processor:
NoTeefyOnly 24'000 swiss francs, which is around 22'000€
M3rtButur4Knot sure if this really could be considered a meme but oh well
StinkekMore like "annoy you to death" :TotalKappa:
PegPeregoGaucho@NoTeefy that's a server CPU tho
PegPeregoGauchoDont they need some special server motherboard too?