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ApplesealIt doesnt let me choose VID files
ApplesealLol so funny to watch cutscenes without voice acting xD
StinkekThere's a special player for Bink files? This reminds me, I found Bink videos in some old game's files, and most players I have could only play sound in them. Only VLC Media Player played them correctly.
PegPeregoGauchoTheres no bink video player
PegPeregoGauchoOnly their authoring tool can open it afaik
NoTeefyPretty sure you can play them with MPC-HC
NoTeefyand the standard or full K-Lite Codec Pack
pyramidensurferIt does work in VLC. The official player and encoder are free too though.
StinkekYeah, VLC works
StinkekBut not MPC
StinkekI even converted these videos to MP4 using Format Factory. The program acted strange and messed up the beginnings of these videos. And then I uploaded them to YouTube which killed the quality...
pyramidensurferYou could try using the bink tool I linked above to convert them to avi and then use Format Factory for mp4. Upscale to 720p for better Youtube quality.
Ἀρχάγγελος Μιχαήλ
Ἀρχάγγελος ΜιχαήλXXL 2 prototype - Asterix + Obelix Ultimate? 🤔
Herr Epsilon
Herr Epsilonshould be a bit more easy to appreciate this way
Herr EpsilonThese concept arts all show a vision that is much bigger than the technical limitations would have allowed for at that time. The seneries are big, spanning vertically and horizontally, but filled with incredible detail up close. The final game seems completely underplayed in comparison. There are also a lot of really inspiring scrapped ideas, like a level in Venetia where you would have travelled through the ducts between various buildings. There was also some kind of sky rail in Caesar Palace to get you from skyscraper to skyscraper (I guess what's left of that in the final game is the cable car level). I think the only level where you can catch a glance of the original vision is the Eiffel Tower level in Lutece from where you can see from Lucksore all the way to the entrance of Las Vegum. It really makes me think: Las Vegum with AAA graphics in a modern open-world engine... Being able to spot Little Venice beneath the clouds from the highest skyscraper in Caesar Palace... How grand would that be. The thought alone makes me feel like a child again! 😄
Herr Epsilon
Herr Epsilon