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KingoI genuinely hated it lmao
ViGadeomeslike everyone xD
ViGadeomesok so there's no way to skip this first fight i think you come into a softlock
ViGadeomesfinal thought: if there're more than 1 fight in the same area and that you can skip a fight but not one of the next ones then you'll need to do all between them
ViGadeomesfor little romans you can oneshot them by a dash on their heads with obelix
ViGadeomeslol, and the y position on the ground is 2038 xD
ViGadeomesi still go higher... but my computer has some troubles xD
ViGadeomesi'll continue until something happens
ViGadeomeswhy these walls are that high.... i don't understand the reason.... so many memory lost for this that normally nobody can reaches
Martyste TendertailXXL has infinite walls
Martyste Tendertailit's well coded don't worry
ViGadeomeswhy ? 😢
ViGadeomesanyway i try it one time but not two xD
Martyste Tendertailthe game certainly considers absence of ground as walls.
ViGadeomeswhy even this one has infinite wall....
ViGadeomesi want to skip walls.....
Martyste TendertailIt's actually the easiest way to program them
Martyste TendertailIn XXL we can sometimes flybash super high but it has no use.