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FailentinThat's 2nd place already ^^
Марія Форґут1 problem, I forgot to start record video.
Feurus Fuchsusi think Miles will stay on 2nd place.
Feurus Fuchsusafterall, everyone is always going towards speedrunning XXL 1 instead of XXL 2
Failentinyea :Feelsbadman:
Feurus FuchsusXXL 2 speedrun rise !!!
Noxus94well, XXL 2 IS not good...
Noxus94speedrun is okay, though
Feurus Fuchsusi prefer XXL 2 over XXL 1 actually
Марія Форґут:goomba_sam:
Mr.Rubinshteini prefer nothing but infinite pain :painharold:
Feurus Fuchsusthat was random xD
Mr.Rubinshteinwell yea i like playing random games with people :PU_FeelsReallyWeirdMan:
BenlitzlerI'm trying to practice using the bug allowing infinite jumps. But quite honestly it's really hard bugging this way blows my hands up
Benlitzler(Sorry for my very laggy gameplay
BenlitzlerBut i have finally understoud how really work the glitch and when you have to press the punch button
BenlitzlerBut for a full speedrun, i think this will be REALLY hard