| Lepidópterus | Got you there |
| PegPeregoGaucho | You need to tell me what plant grows gold |
| Failentin | okay, I do get the gist of it 😄 |
| Failentin | now to be fast enough |
| Lepidópterus | https://www.google.com.mx/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjIyceMp8L5AhUeIUQIHXyrAFkQFnoECAcQAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nationalgeographic.com%2Fscience%2Farticle%2F131022-gold-eucalyptus-leaves-mining-geology-science&usg=AOvVaw0OEOyUor99CVob7dUWhYlG |
| PegPeregoGaucho | waduhek |
| PegPeregoGaucho | it's only 8 micrometers tho |
| PegPeregoGaucho | and not a laurel |
| Lepidópterus | You didnt ask “what laurel plant grows large amounts of gold” |
| Lepidópterus | Cry about it |
| Failentin | got it 👍 one to go! |
| PegPeregoGaucho | GG! 👏 |
| PegPeregoGaucho | what light is not on yet? |
| PegPeregoGaucho | I wanna know what laurel you are lacking |
| Failentin | this one ^^ |
| Failentin | ||before I waste time, can you tell me whether or not this is around the nine challenges arena? It's such a huge area ^^'|| |
| PegPeregoGaucho | ||No, there are no laurels around there ^^|| |
| Failentin | good 😄 |
| PegPeregoGaucho | That is the last laurel you can obtain from picking it up, since the next one after that is a challenge one |
| Failentin | oh yeah, true! |