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rubinho146This is fun to know
rubinho146I once stumbled on a guy that was animator in this game
rubinho146I found him on GameArt
NoTeefyAnother one: ``SMOKEY!`` guess what, they are initialising the fog right there :papaLOL:
rubinho146Ahhhhh ahahha
NoTeefyOh boy, they were true memers
NoTeefythey ended their GTX variables with IX, like GFX_FISHIX
rubinho146This should be reported man, we need to save this
rubinho146Does seeing the code on the EXE we get to know how to rip the models, textures, etc?
rubinho146I remember being a kid and wanting to do that
NoTeefyWell yeah, obviously
NoTeefyI mean you just have to reverse how they are initializing them
NoTeefythis way you'll see how they are encrypted/saved
rubinho146God bless exe decrypters :'))
NoTeefyI might need some help understanding something
NoTeefythey really like to load a file called bana.sfp on a lot of places
NoTeefydo you know what that is, each level contains a file like that