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MoistManNot to mention, selling games second-hand is illegal, anyway
AdrienTDI have the PC disc with French.
rubinho146You're a life saver for Marty
rubinho146Send it out the iso or the DATA folder in a zip file
Martyste Tendertail@AdrienTD Can you please send me all 6 of your GLOC files in the root folder of your game? I'd like to know which one of them will be the french one so I can tell you to send specific files for faster upload
AdrienTD00GLOC.KWN is the french one.
Download 00GLOC.KWN:
Direct Download
Martyste TendertailOkayyyyy. Because in my one, English is 00
Martyste TendertailImma compare this one with the PS2 one
AdrienTDHere are all the 6 0?GLOC.KWN files I have:
Direct Download
Martyste TendertailYeah they are like... NEARLY identical. Let's try and see if the game loads it
Martyste TendertailYUUUUS!
Martyste TendertailSO I can entirely replace a language
Martyste TendertailNow let me tell you what you're going to send ( some files might be too heavy ? )
Martyste TendertailIn each LVL folder, get this file.
Martyste TendertailInclude this one from each SPEECH folder
Martyste TendertailThat's 22 files
AdrienTDMaybe I will have to write a script to do that all automatically.
ĆukaWait Marty, OG doesn't have French language?