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rubinho146Dude, just create a zip file
rubinho146Or a rar one
rubinho146Put in on google drive and send
Martyste TendertailYeah, unless you do that and keep the 11 folders and subfolers intact
Martyste Tendertailotherwise your files won't want to get next to eachotehr
rubinho146Truuue shit
AdrienTDThat will be 232 MB uncompressed.
Martyste TendertailStill better than blindly sending the full game lel
AdrienTDI managed to compress the files in 73 MB.
Martyste TendertailSick
Martyste TendertailBut I think you're indeed going to need a Google drive
rubinho146You only can upload up to 8mb here on discord so yeah
AdrienTDYup, I'm currently uploading it.
AdrienTDI have a slow upload speed.
Martyste TendertailIt's a good thing I made you take what's absolutely necessary then.
Martyste TendertailPing me when it's up!
Martyste TendertailOH